Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ein, Zwei, DIE !!!

Blame the holidays if you will, or perhaps a degree of slackery, but we've not been active as of late on the posting. That said, there's a lot going on right now as we prepare for the Sundance season which starts with the Art House Convergence in Salt Lake City, Jan-13-15 and then the Sundance Film Festival itself which runs from the 15th through 23rd. But I digress. The real point is that, while combing the interwebs for trailers of Sundance films, we stumbled across the discovery of what could turn out to be the best tag line of 2009, and from a Norwegian midnight offering with hot and horny collegiates, snowmobiles and the graves around a former Nazi outpost. WOW! Sign me up!

Consider this, and check out Trailer Spy for the next round of Sundance flicks.

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